Week 3 reflections

This week, we learnt about presentations and UI/UX.

Prof Damith made a wonderful presentation about making good presentations which really brought out the essence of presentations and speeches. Ultimately, the end goal of a presentation is to evoke change, be it to persuade or simply to provoke. As such, we have to consider speeches as a means to an end. With such a goal in mind, it would be silly to expect a boring presentation filled with words and stats and numbers to make as big a change as a well structured, persuasive, convincing argument.

We also learnt how to structure our presentation and make good slides. Tips and tricks include things like using personal anecdotes or humor to hook the audience's attention before bringing your main point across, and things like using your slides only as a assistance to the speech rather than being the focus.


SuYuen made me realise that often, the best way to do things is the simplest way. She pitched to us the benefits of using simple, ready made templates to create really nice UI in a short time. I believe all of us were really convinced and she probably brought quite a few sales to themeforest. Really looking forward to plugging in and editing from a nice mobile template for Assignment 3! Will probably have to figure out how modularity will work with those templates though, since I assume everything will be dumped in one large file.

Assignments 1 & 2.
Assignment 2 has gone really well, since there's not much to do. We met up once, came up with the slides and the speech, and are ready for the presentation. The bulk of the work really lied on Yihang though, since he had to come up with a speech he was comfortable with and present. Good job Yihang!

Assignments came up with some minor troubles with DNS and facebook app permissions so our app went down, which made us panic for a bit. All was quickly resolved though so everything is fine. We realise we may have to cut quite a bit of intended features to hit the final submission deadline though. We hope it's still cool enough hahahaha. All the features and job to be done has been drawn up though so hopefully nothing bad happens =)


  1. Templates can come in the form of single pages or libraries or even boilerplates! find one that suits your needs (For assignment 3, since you have to be finishing assignment 1 by now)


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